Thursday 1 June 2023

What Is Life?

 So before starting to read this content. Everyone might have a question in their mind, if you don't have this question in your mind then you should assume that you don't use your brains whenever necessary (just a 😆small joke). So coming to the topic i.e., the question, What is "LIFE?"

Take Your Precious Time
Ok then, now it's my turn to clarify this and I will give you some real life phenomenon.

  1. Is life a natural phenomenon about taking birth, studying in school & colleges, getting a well-paid (that's what my parents think), working hard, getting married, having kids, getting old and at the end, 'DEATH'.
  2. Is life a phenomenon about the same; from taking birth till passing out from college and later after that doing exactly what you want i.e., follow your passion.
So, as soon a the word passion comes, everyone will choose the second option/phenomenon and make it as their highest priority, of following their passion. But friends, is doing what your passionate about enough? If you go behind your passion and it will be great if you achieve it before your 30s and those who go behind their passion even before getting mature, they achieve it at a young age.

Wow, achieving your passion at a young age. Hurray! You've made it. But what will be next? Just working on your passion for a lifetime? Will this be your answer?
Isn't this answer kinda messy? Suppose if you'll keep working on the same passion till you die and before your last breath, if someone asks you whether what else did you do besides your passion. Have you ever gone a mountain trek? or have you ever done something besides what you do everyday? Something extraordinary, something different! Your answer might come, "I'm only aware of being obsessed about my passion", or "Only doing what I love."
Life shouldn't be about achieving a specific goal and doing it for the rest of your life, there's no kick in it. There's no fun in doing the same work daily. We only have one life and we have many different things to do, then why should we act like we are on a budget. There's shouldn't be a limit for our adventure/ your adventure, your story should than one chapter; it should have sub-chapters of each chapter and every story must be better and greater than previous one, each story must be a great sequel and that's how will be able to tell your epic story to your grand-child and that's a story I'd like to listen from my grand-father. 'Time is precious' We should do epic things but the question arises
What should we do?

 Life is about diversification:

Lesson: Never be a straight forward person in your life.

My college teacher once told me, "A straight tree is often always preferred to be cut down firstly rather than a tree that has a curve, a bend or a wrapped pattern of trunk on each other and these kind of trees are hardest to tear apart."

You have to choose your path and if you are not diversified person, then you'll be first to lose.


You'll never have a fair game to play, but never forget one thing in life'
"God gives his toughest battle to his toughest soldier."
If you are onto something, then never back down and for not letting this happen you should never prepare a PLAN B on the way to your goal. Because if you don't have another plan, you'll never would have planned about your failure and your only priority will be to achieve what you might have plan right now. "Burn the bridges"- I quote.

-Napoleon Hill

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LIFE : A Never Ending Journey

So before starting to read this. Everyone might have a question in their mind, if you don't have this question in your mind then you sho...